Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Current projects

I've started two new collections of poetry. The first entitled "In the space we leave behind" contains new and selected poems from the past few years. Many were constructed or started on my recent trips to Lincoln, Nebraska. For some reason, I feel comfortable there and the words just flow.
The second collection "Open Sky" will once again showcase not only nature poems, but also many photographs. If I can just get the formatting's a bear!
Also, I received news that my poem "Hummingbird Conversations" and a photograph will be featured August 9th on Nature Writing.
Here's a copy of that poem and the photo.

Hummingbird conversations 

Around the feeder ruby throated
hummingbirds swoop flit hover
dance and fight and I wish
I could hear their
wingbeat conversations.
What would they tell me?

Do they discuss the weather
the local nest situation
compare the quality of spider silk
swap migration route stories
or point out their favorite flowers?
Do they have a pecking order
who goes first and why?

Maybe they talk about politics
or health insurance
immigration or crop prices
probably not though.
How would it feel to be
in the tiny jeweled body
buzzing around
unable to be still
always moving
a heart beating
six hundred times a minute.

If I could feel that I’d know
what it feels like to fly across
the Gulf of Mexico
hover swoop dive and
taste the nectar of a
hundred thousand flowers.

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